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Apple, Facebook, Amazon preach privacy, but don’t believe the hype

“Lots of the companies that have gotten wealthy from selling us data-collecting devices — or from collecting our data — have learned to talk the talk on privacy. But they’re very often defining privacy in ways that serve their own interests first.” iPhone apps were beaming my personal information to all sorts of tracking companies …

Privacy is not protected, FTC tells Apple and Facebook

‘A federal trade regulator has condemned the largest digital companies for their privacy records, arguing that it is currently “untenable” for consumers to understand and control collection of their own data.’ ‘“Even if consumers can walk through a privacy check-up, the amount of information that you have to process, to figure out what is happening …

Dating apps need women. Advertisers need diversity. AI companies offer a solution: Fake people

Artificial intelligence start-ups are selling images of computer-generated faces that look like the real thing, offering companies a chance to create imaginary models and “increase diversity” in their ads without needing human beings. The AI software used to create such faces is freely available and improving rapidly, allowing small start-ups to easily create fakes that …

Personal Data Is Valuable. Give Pricing Power to the People

“More than anything an effective data marketplace needs a mechanism that accounts for individual users’ privacy sensibilities, which are rooted in personal experience, identity, and specific context. The value of a piece of data changes dynamically based on one’s life situation and how that bit of data is combined with other data points to yield …

Most people will trade privacy for access to services such as Google, says Box CEO

Most people would be willing to give up privacy online in exchange for access to services such as Google, Box CEO Aaron Levie said.  “I think that most consumers will make that trade,” Levie told CNBC. While data privacy laws like California’s pose a threat to the business model of some tech companies, Levie argued it …

Why an Internet That Never Forgets Is Especially Bad for Young People

Until the end of the 20th century, most young people could take one thing for granted: their embarrassing behavior would eventually be forgotten. It might be a bad haircut, or it might be getting drunk and throwing up at a party, but in an analog era, even if the faux pas were documented in a …

Tech’s Rich and Powerful Are So Over Their Gadgets

“Devices are cooling down as tech’s elite moves on to less tangible signifiers of wealth and luxury. As the majority of the U.S. arrives at a smartphone-saturated future, Silicon Valley is neck-deep in a backlash against it. Perhaps more than anyone else, those who work in technology are doing their best to back off in …

Fortune Magazine: 25 Ideas That Will Shape the 2020s

Fortune asked 25 of the sharpest minds to weigh in on the epic, disruptive, thrilling, terrifying, and fascinating ideas that will mold the next decade. The future is now. #8. The 31st human right should be to own your medical data. There is a fundamental lack of trust between consumers and corporations. The relationship is …