What is the Value of Your Data?
Here is what the latest research suggests about our perception of the value of personal data.
Here is what the latest research suggests about our perception of the value of personal data.
“Please take the time to watch and reflect upon the most important segment from Singularity ever. Ever. Yet, it was ignored by most because the assumption from all the digital experts and entrepreneurs is that they are going to own everyone’s personal data and use it for their exponential benefit. Wrong. The adtech model is …
The findings revealed that respondents’ willingness to share their home address dropped 10 percentage points, while personal email address dropped 7 percentage points and first and last names were down 6%. Consumers surveyed did not change their mind much about sharing personal data, even if a brand offered to use that information to better personalize their …
Consumers are less likely to share their data this year than they were in 2018, according to a new study by the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) shared with Marketing Dive. When it comes to privacy policies, those surveyed said they understand why marketers use data for targeted advertising. However, many claimed they didn’t know technical …
“Warner’s proposal, introduced with Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), would require companies with more than 100 million monthly users to disclose the types of data they collect about each user and to assess its value. It also includes privacy rules similar to those passed last year in California, where you will soon be able to request …
Continue reading “Senators Want Facebook to Put a Price on Your Data. Is That Possible?”
The revision of the payment services European legal framework operated by the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) deems to respond to the challenges set forth by the thriving innovation in the industry. Its aim is to allow Fintech companies and incumbent players (aka banks) to keep creating novel business models, while ensuring the enhancement of …
Continue reading “PSD2, GDPR and Banking Secrecy: What Role for Consent?”
13th January 2019 marked one year since the UK embarked on its Open Banking experiment. Despite the inevitable teething problems, the initial signs are encouraging, as banks up their game in the face of strong competition from innovative third party products and services. Whith another version of the Open Banking Standard yet to be released, …
Continue reading “Has Open Banking changed anything 15 months on?”
Following an open selection process, the Commission appointed 23 experts to an Expert Group on Business-to-Government Data Sharing. The Expert Group’s tasks shall be to: identify good practices on B2G data sharing in order to contribute to more efficient and better public service delivery and/or more reliable and evidence-based policymaking; assess the legal, economic and …
Continue reading “Meetings of the Expert Group on Business-to-Government Data Sharing”
“ANALYSIS: Customer convenience cannot be prioritised over broad aims of payment services laws to open up the market to greater competition and innovation. That is the message a European regulator has delivered to banks in relation to the scope they have to help customers manage and revoke their consent to open banking services.” Open banking: …
Continue reading “Open banking: clarity provided for banks over ‘opt outs’ and revoking consent”