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Customer Purchase Intentions – There must be a better way

” Who remembers using ads in the “Items Wanted” sections of their local newspaper? How many people still do this? Of course, there are modern, on-line equivalents but they represent a tiny proportion of the introductions between buyers and sellers for used items, let alone new items. Surely this is not due to the lack …

Tech’s Rich and Powerful Are So Over Their Gadgets

“Devices are cooling down as tech’s elite moves on to less tangible signifiers of wealth and luxury. As the majority of the U.S. arrives at a smartphone-saturated future, Silicon Valley is neck-deep in a backlash against it. Perhaps more than anyone else, those who work in technology are doing their best to back off in …

Gamsworld – Intentcasting Usecases

Originally written in 2000, this has formed my vision of how a variety of organisations would be able to interact with me through my electronic persona – illustrating how personal information can be stored, accessed, maintained and given behavior. In subsequent years, we have seen an alternative universe where programmatic advertising and the use of …