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Revolt on the horizon? How young people really feel about digital technology

As digital technologies facilitate the growth of both new and incumbent organisations, we have started to see the darker sides of the digital economy unravel. But what do young people who grew up with the internet think about this development? Our research with 400 digital natives – 19- to 24-year-olds – shows that this generation, …

The Economist: We need to own our data as a human right—and be compensated for it

Identity and personal data will be vital aspects of living in the future, says, a musician and entrepreneur “AT A LUNCH at the World Economic Forum five years ago, guests were asked to predict what people would care about around 2019. My mind raced through thoughts about identity and data. When the host, Marc …

“Anonymized” data really isn’t—and here’s why not

The Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission had a bright idea back in the mid-1990s—it decided to release “anonymized” data on state employees that showed every single hospital visit. The goal was to help researchers, and the state spent time removing all obvious identifiers such as name, address, and Social Security number.87 percent of all Americans could …