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Apple Just Crippled IDFA, Sending An $80 Billion Industry Into Upheaval

Apple’s recent announcement that iOS14 would issue a real and honest consent warning when you download a new mobile app. Would you say “yes” to allowing an app or brand permission to “track you across apps and websites owned by other companies?” Neither will 99% of consumers. This is actually a genius move by Apple. …

A Former Google Executive Takes Aim at His Old Company With a Start-Up

“I decided the following month that I needed to do something different with my life,” Mr. Ramaswamy said in a recent interview. “I came to realize that an ad-supported model had limitations.” Nearly two years after he left Google, he is testing his newfound conviction by mounting a challenge against his former employer. His new …

‘Our priority can’t be to sell advertising’ – Washington Post rethinks revenues in lockdown

There’s been a shortfall of display ad revenue, first of all, forcing publishers around the world to cut and furlough staff. The New York Times estimated a 55% ad revenue shortfall, which is pretty indicative of what’s going on in the wider market. Live events, meanwhile, are freezing or moving online, and direct buys from …

Understanding MyData Operators

Understanding MyData Operators focuses on practical aspects of technology and governance to make the operation of infrastructures for personal data easier and more human-centric, with the goal of establishing full interoperability between operators. For the white paper, the group studied examples of products, services and organisations that are in one way or another performing or supporting …

The consumer-data opportunity and the privacy imperative

As consumers become more careful about sharing data, and regulators step up privacy requirements, leading companies are learning that data protection and privacy can create a business advantage. To find out what consumers think about the privacy and collection of data, McKinsey conducted a survey of 1,000 North American consumers. To determine their views on …

A Commons for Privacy Consent

Since the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandate, marketers worldwide have reluctantly appended privacy consent mechanisms to their site user flow. The dark patterns they use show they have no viable alternative but to collect cookie data. Consumers respond by providing fake data, using ad blockers and other techniques. Escaping this vicious cycle requires …

Empowering Personal Data For Exponential Economic Growth

It’s painful having to navigate the privacy consent forms for online services, and that’s before being able to find what you’re looking for from the endless permutations on offer. For the cash rich – time poor have long employed personal assistants to relieve them of this chore. But what about the rest of us? In …